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General Trust (12A/80G/35(i)(ii)/CBDT) looking for donors (General)

by st.margregoriostrust @, Kerala, Friday, September 16, 2016, 06:01 PM (2816 days ago)
edited by st.margregoriostrust, Friday, September 16, 2016, 06:06 PM

We have a General Trust with all registrations including 35 1&2. The CBDT Approval is Unlimited that is we can recieve unlimited sum.

Preffered Working Procedure :-

1.(i) If you are Mediator / Authorized personnal get me an invitation letter from your donor.

(ii) We are not asking for Donor's Address or Proof of Fund. Just mention your requirements and invite us for table meeting.

(iii) Please don't ask for files and advanced willingness letter. If you are authorized mail me your authorisation letter then I will address letter in your name.

(iv) Never ask for willingness letter adressing like "To The Donor" because I won't give one like that.

2. Once you get us a duly SIGNED letter then we can fix a meeting at any location we will come with original documents along with a set of copy for you.

We are coming for the Mandate/Donor not for a Mediator. If the person we are meeting is not a mandate then the meeting will be cancelled and the person who contacted us should be ready to pay our compensation

Meeting is exclusively for Mandate or Donor. Mandate should be able to show Proof of Funds. If you are authorized one your ID Proof, Authorization letter from Donor and PAN should be submitted on table along with POF.

3. If all papers are live and your requirements are met then we can sign agreement and start working asap.

If you are trying to make excuses after seeing documents the meeting will be cancelled that is why I strongly recommended to write your requirements on Invitation letter.

4. Mediators please note don't tell that you need to study documents before calling Donor and he is UK US etc. A person who is giving a million as donation is capable of spending a grand on flight tickets. So don't cook up stories to get files.

5. This is how it works. Then HSBC we don't have one we work with SBI and ICICI.

If you are okay with procedure do mail me. Please don't mail for files and letters because I won't be giving and circulating.

Thanking you.

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