RP Buyer Required With Documents (General)
Dear Mr. Dinesh,
This is in reference to your posting we can show you complete documents and for that we will be charging INR 65 Lakhs, if you can pay this amount let us know at itsmerahul98@hotmail.com
Complete thread:
- RP Buyer Required With Documents -
2010-07-13, 16:34
- RP Buyer Required With Documents - Rahul Kakkar, 2010-07-13, 20:21
- RP Buyer Required With Documents - K Bhatnagar, 2010-07-14, 11:12
- RP Buyer Required With Documents - babug, 2010-07-16, 00:28
- RP Buyer Required With Documents - king, 2010-07-26, 19:09
- RP Buyer Required With Documents - Dare, 2010-07-26, 20:04