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RP Experts required for Discovery Channel project. (General)

by lakhwinder singh @, india, Saturday, July 31, 2010, 04:23 (5353 days ago) @ John Boonda & Associates

i am not gonna say i have 5 or 7 years experience in this field but i wanna say i have spoiled 7 precious years of my life in finding this shtt which is so called rp and all other non-existing items and the amount of money i spend on this fake business is too much but now i have realised and i wanna let everyone know about the entity of this non-existing thing ,recently i have read an article written by a volunteer who said,he lost his brother because his brother was madly looking for such fake items like rp and at the age of just 44 he died with a heart attack ,you know what you can help and save all other innocent people who are ready to indulge in this ugly business and are ready to spend their hard earned money just to find these non-existing items,i have stepped forward to give awareness about this false business by any means to all other innocent people who thinks that they can earn cr'z(pet language word in this false field)you discovery people can easily do a lot to help them out of this by showing programmes,and instead of paying someone 22000 with travelling expenses just to gain the knowledge for a non existing things , you people better try bring awareness to the millions of people of my great incredible india ,i am capable of bringing awareness to the public but i dont have proper channels .there are some of the questions i am gonna ask to every single person who claims to possess rp and all other items and even who claims to have a contact with the buyers for all those non-existing items , lemme ask.. what is the use of such so very magical items ?? who is the buyer?why dont anyone raises his/her hands to say that he/she have earned even a single penny out of such dealings ?? why dont any buyer gives an interview through media that he has the buying capacity for such items ?? is there any answer for such queries?? i have lot more to ask but to whom and how?? you people have many followers behind through your discovery channel and you know what people believe in your channel so please do something to bring the truth in front.i think for that i should form a volunteer organisation to work on this with a motive to do something for my country ,my india .At last i just wanna say to all those who are looking rp ,,,that instead of finding non-existing items ,,find happiness and glory for your families and children thanks for giving me the space to write something ,,, with ..regards ...

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