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by Raju Roy, Thursday, September 01, 2016, 01:52 AM (2846 days ago) @ numerouno work

Aha..! If you have concrete proof in hand for whom I have cheated & taken money then upload here.

Dhu...!! How many times you will alter your Mobile no, Name & position to sale your superstitious thoughts of chemically Rice pulling mechanism??

All these DRP making scheme are not actually your profession, it is your Addictions of free money.

However, if you're a successful DRP maker & you have largest venture manufacturing unit at Kolkata Zone to deliver your fraudulent concept, then load evidence of your manufacturing unit, FRAUD scientist & entire gangs identification in the forum.

You can change your outer layer by changing email ID, Mobile No & Name for the some time not all the time.

You can make fool limited people for limited time not all the time hiding behind Dunlop village of Kolkata zone.

If you have GUTS & NUTS then publish my concrete evidence of cheating between COINS & NOTES.

Otherwise, do not ram your SPAM message continuously in this forum.

Already you & your gangs was collected huge money from gullible investor from across the country by publishing money laundering scheme & entire people knows your fraudulent scheme is nothing just manufactured inside internet protocol.

Keep on writing..! Again, non of them will consume your rotten thoughts of your mechanism & filled your bank account in installment basis by purchasing theme of your magical instruments.

Writing lengthy speculative statement will not prove that you really have magical instruments to play music & entire Indian citizen will dance by paying 50% Advance booking for tickets.

You & your gang was cheated entire Indian. Now, they are planning to arrest you to recover their hard earn money.

Check the facts & figure of old DRP makers group, now they're manufacturing DRPs in Judicial custody to fulfil the dream of their families.

God bless such type of SUPER FRAUDSTER GANG in the name of DRP mechanism ...!

Henceforth, Neither I'm seller or buyer of any Antiques, Antiquities & Magical Apparatus. I heard many people are doing their job undercover to supply materials.

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