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by Allen, Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 21:58 (5884 days ago) @ Abhijeet

Ellekenfonvy sounds so phony.

Even their team-effort didn't elicit a decent reproduction of English.

Is this the language, style and manner in which a so-called German company operates in India? It would be a good idea to invite these jokers to some town in India, even if you have to pay the fees up front, and use the local police and media (news-paper & TV channel) to interrogate and grill them thoroughly. Have them produce their trade-licenses, foreign collaborations, track-record of previous deals, balance-sheets, bank-accounts, fund-proof etc. Quiz them to ascertain their knowledge and expertise of numismatic-history, archaeology, metallurgy, chemistry, geology and physics.

A genuine company has no time to abuse people on the internet. Their office address, phone numbers etc. will be well displayed. They should be advertising and clarifying any and all queries with the media.

"Ellekenfonvy team!" watch out! You never know which of your next visit to some city or town is going to be a trap. But we'll definitely nail you in spite of forewarning you.

A number of police stations already have the name "Gaurav" on the watch-out list. They only need a shred of evidence to lodge an FIR.

Well Wisher.

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