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white PALASH TREE (General)

by Gunendra1 @, india, Sunday, September 05, 2010, 22:11 (5315 days ago) @ gunendra1

we have few prapogation , botnical, ayuvedic detail about white palash tree. whivh are :

butea frondosa,roxb.palsh paras,dhak known as flame of forest is belnging to the family papilionaceae. a small or mod size tree with rooked trunk and black nodose brachlets with handsome flowers which are produce in grate prousion the thicker nodes of the braches, intiation of flower feb. to april. fruit ripe in april 15 day before.

in our country it has been a practice to plant tree as it has been given a religious santity to plant as , pipal, bargad, shami,saja,bael and white palash. the seeds are anathelmintic. the leaves are use as plates & dona for manure. the bark of roots gives a fiber for rope and kuchi. lac is sometime cultivated on it. the roots & flowers of white palash is used in herbal treatment of eyesight, fertility, skindisses, varios siddha kalp and etc.

with several mythologies it is scared tree its important to fullfill the human desire . its flower are used in spacial prayer , worship in spacial occasion , and herbal juice is extract from it with spacila divices and methods.

Its a rare rae plant, maybe it could be naturalised and in good proprtions in some parts but its a rare commodityFor instance some say it has got immense magical powers and ts root helps see hidden treasures. Sadhus and Bangalu babas often describe it as a source of Asht sidhis. In Nandos reghion of Konkan a person duped many business man and even killed them on the pretext of doubling their money with trhis tree. The case was highly publisicised. it location is kept secret due to high influx of tantrics. It flowers in hot may season and in dry regions. Wont find much in humid climates.

White Palash tree flowers have to be procured fresh for any Raskriya

a>White palas tree will ONLY ACT [medicinal, about other stuff questionable] if its live. Uprooting would not help u in any case unless u are greedy and do not want others to see the plant. b>White Palas tree is not a mutation of Red Palas but an altogether different species hence uprooting it will just make it exrinct c>White Pals tree finds sporadic mention in Tantra though it has mentions in various texts from time immemorial, however no modern day authors or botanist have recorded the tree in any flora which raises a question about its availabilty d>Manyt times the Red palas tree due to some genetic alteration produce faint orange flowers WHICH ON DRYING APPEAR==WHITE. These flowers 99% are sold or shown as specimens. These trees have a milk white border on the lamina, veins of the leaves e>There is a creeper called "Palasvel" which is found occasionaly and has leaves exactly like Palash tree. This plant grows uninhibited in dense forest or lands kept free from human encroach due to religious belief. After 4-5 years it gives white flowers. This creeper CAN BE TAKEN AS the most close source to WHITE PALASH. Sometimes this creeper is found on a Palash tree and it camouflages itself so well that a NORMAL PERSON cannot distinguish. This plant flowers very early than the Palash tree and hence goives an illusion of White Palash. . However due to the nature and beliefs related withj the tree I think much secrecy has been maintained The root of this plant is medicinal and very good for eyesight related disorders e>So which is used for Tantra or medicine, Palasvel or the White Palas plant. Well thats for you to decide. For tantric use this plant is said to be the best as per astrlogy Palas == Moon. Hence for disorders like infertility etc the white plant is superb. The gum of this plant is said to be Rasayana. Many sadhus of Aghori and Naga sect use the gu of this plant or bark iun a unique way to preserve their bodies for long as long as 150 - 200 years. Theses people follow a strict diet during and after the consumption of this plant for a particular time f>>How can the myth be solved. Well if each of you ppl who have seen the so called plant live or have samples then please post images or you can send them to me for evaluation. This would help in two ways === to predict if the plant is seperate species or we just go by mutaions Remember white flowering plants are night pollinated and hence it would requirea nocturnal bird to swallow or eat the seeds so that the plant may reproduce from the seed from its dropping.

Latin: Butea monosperma var alba Marathi Dhavlo Palas Hindi Safed Dhaak

Uses: Rasayan. Its gun with honey is said to rejuvante tsssues if taken with proper diet. Improves eyesight, excellent aphrodisiacs. Used in infertile couples

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