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I have ebbo coin in mumbai 8652388294 (Lebbo)

by nil okate, Saturday, March 04, 2017, 10:29 (2881 days ago) @ nil okate
edited by nil okate, Saturday, March 04, 2017, 10:30

Lebo Coin Original year 1616 Weight 66.68grams Errosimic Shape Height 0.25 inch Length 1.125 inch Breadth 1.25 inch ONE SIDE (SIDE1) THIS SIDE CONSISTS OF NAVAGRAHAS EMBEDDED IN THE OTHER SIDE(SIDE 2) THIS SIDE HAS THE CHARGING POINT DIVIDED IN THREE DOTTED POINTS ALSO KNOWN AS RIVETS APART FROM THE ABOVE THE FOLLOWING IS INSCRIBED IN THE COIN E I C near the Rivets HAF left side of the face 1616 bottom of the face ANA right side of the face LEBO on the Centre of the face LEO on the Top of the face

1. Continuity or Connectivity Test The coin has three rivets on the front face, which when touched at any one pair of combination of rivets with the (+) and (-) tip of the continuity tester, it lights up. When one of the tip is kept on any of these three rivets and the other tip touched anywhere on the rest of the coin, including the front face and the Hindu Face of the coin, there is no connectivity visible. 2.Bubble Test When the Coin is put in Water immediately small bubbles at a count of 10 bubbles were visible sticking in the top and the sides of the coin and the bubbles increased in size and numbers within 15-30 minutes the full coin is covered with small Bubbles . 3. Torch / Battery Test When a torch is switched on and is placed around 4-5 inches in front of the coin, the bulb starts flickering immediately The battery shows signs of Draining after 8-10 minutes

4. Cloud Test

When the Coin is placed under the Clear Sky with Temperatures ranging from 38 to 45 degrees and Humidity above 70% It has been observed that formation of Clouds is visible around the Sun and surrounding within the first 20 minutes of exposing the coin to the clear Sky

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