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Buyers of Copper Iridium, DE, NM, Lebbo, Coin, Antiques,Etc. (General)

by Aejas @, united kingdom, Thursday, September 09, 2010, 19:46 (5254 days ago) @ NASATron

RESPECTED SIR, (1) When I placed the coin into water the Bubbles are arranged into together around the coin and the color of the bubbles are LIGHT MERCURY ,and after that the bubbles are blowing up from water in to air from coin. (2) The coin Temperature was changed (hot) another test was we did which is, I placed a coin into a Bowl which was filled from water, the water which was 0 degree temperature, after i placed the coin into that bowl, the water temperature started to change (high) from normal to 2 to 3 degrees high. 3) The distance of the coin from torch is 2 inches, and the torch was carrying a two A,A,sizes batteries which is having 1.5vlts,it took 7 minutes for the light to burst. The batteries were damaged permanently after the test, they don’t have charge after that, before bursting the light dips multiple times in front of the coin. After the light dips for 2 minutes, the light burned out completely. (4) The coin is in A.P only, and the showing place was also decided by us only. If we arrange to display the coin outside of area or in other cities/hotels or lodges then it will be dangerous for both of us since we don't know what the coin is further capable of and we don't want to risk. If you do want to check the coin, The price of this coin is 2,500 crores rupees (Indian currency). The coin is currently in India. The only condition is that you would have to pay 50 crores in advance if you want to purchase it. If you would like to view a video of the coin, I can send you a video clip at your request.


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