i m sale rp in new delhi ncr 15.5 comments nd esrow bes (General)
Rp in 15.5 in M to r 15 .5 R to r 7 Anti torch Sll test complete Wight 1.500gm Size baby doll Packing of 5 layer 3 cilnder Farnce kit Condisan Seller will open nd opening items all available to seller nd seller side Nd he is open nd fast demo Next bayer any not important to company nd fineser owner is not will ask any company nd fineser details bayer nd any of Will show to normal advance dimand to locally tayfon local kit than China kit nd marital saftiy kit with ns 24 ours nd 48 hours packing normal kit nd Company mov than after tokan time original kit nd pack tha arctical Panlti bes seller nd bayer Seleer wlii show on working day same day comemt amt work 10lac cash 15 lac check on teble Than he is show bayer will showw same amt nd work is start Than any party of not will comments of seller is working possible to 10 lac esrow but only one day esrow time Nd next aggriment of seller will work about after two day By tha why is powered tha opening camical Bayer is tha testing ok to pay tokan Tha testing is ok so pay toakn of 5 to 10cr same day tokan Nd will company his pack to original kit pack to after toakn but saftiy thankpack normal kit Next jonit cousdy is after amt 25 cr Dimand of total 15500cr Midea 1000cr total But with my what app 9990807280 Raj020657@gmail.com Work only delhi Ncr But not pay any fess Esrow nd any payment to advance work only Commemt amt bes 9990807280 Any company finecsser funder Nd any of instead to what app me nd calk me
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