need urgent loan of 3 to 5 lacs (General)
Hi need totally pvt finance between 3 to 5 lacs on promissory note cheques for Govt.Servant having 45k per month salary.As cibil is less we don't want to go with banks or or sms or email @9704071067 and we do have exchange parties(W)in hyderabad.if u have any old(currency)contact us for new ones
Complete thread:
- need urgent loan of 10cr -
kiran hyd,
2017-04-09, 10:58
- need urgent loan of 3 to 5 lacs -
2017-04-16, 20:39
- looking for FD'S for trading or outrate sale - vvvickyverma, 2017-04-20, 20:46
- looking for sellers and buyers - vvvickyverma, 2017-05-06, 17:32
- need urgent loan of 3 to 5 lacs -
2017-04-16, 20:39