Wanted fake company (General)
Non working Pvt Ltd Company Available with Bank Account and Address available at Gurgaon. Please contact if interested
Regards Contact Lotus Merchant Lotus Consultancy Service Pvt. Ltd. FB: http://facebook.com/LotusConsultancyServices Email: lotus.mercantile@gmail.com Skype: live: a7354a4140fb9b35 M & W: +917861020108
Complete thread:
- Wanted fake company -
[email protected],
2017-04-18, 22:50
- Wanted fake company - Gauravjuly, 2017-04-19, 13:41
- Wanted fake company - Indiabullion, 2017-04-19, 17:38
- Wanted fake company - lotus.merchant, 2017-04-20, 19:36