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Mother RP company wanted (General)

by tutu, Tuesday, May 02, 2017, 09:45 AM (2603 days ago) @ Pandiyan

We have original RP range 90/30 we need original mother company Thomas Oliver corporation or international antique power center or precious metals collection centre or any DRDO certificate company only those who have direct contact only contact those replying just what's app me or lying I know coordinator will be rejected should explain what kind of contact you have with mother company who from mother company side will deal with us should convey scientist name

It is very 76 thousands in the account of Thomas Oliver corporation trade manager. He will come directly to your place and details the procedure and show the MOU copy.he will details the money transactions Don't bothered about scientists. Thomas Oliver have 200 paid scientists scientists. You have to show your material in packing to Trade manager. He will send immediately a report to Newjursy office in USA. They will send email to seller about fee structure. You pay that amount , within 3 days Thomas Oliver teams arrived. Within 5 hours they will check article and pay 20c anywhere in the world. Don't compare to other company procedure with Thomas Oliver. Thomas Oliver corporation is multinational there procedure also different. Remember Thomas Oliver corporationon following only company rules.They will Never followed the seller rules. When you contacted with company,then you realized.

Thomas Oliver corporation is Thomas Oliver corporation. No others.

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