Original rp avalaible near Amritsar bias (General)
Dear Gaurav,
No Foreign/Indian company can buy this radiation material without Govt. of India as per the international agreement on radiations. This is legal deal. Govt. of India considers you as a care taker of the material.
BRIEF PROCEDURE 1. Material Testing (Compulsory) You have to get tested your material from Government of India Laboratory under department of atomic energy, which will be done on Geiger Muller machine used to check the Radiation. If you have done so, then send us the report with clear address, phone number, email of laboratory, Geiger Muller reference number and dated.
Otherwise, you have to buy a chemical which will be issued after submitting the Pan card, Aadhar card from govt. laboratories through the scientist of these laboratories. (We will give you the name of chemical by mail), then put this chemical in a glass test tube and keep in contact with the material for prescribed time. Then put this chemical in a glass bottle and seal it. (We will guide you in detail)
if you will not able to get the chemical then we will supply it and get it tested from the govt. Lab after having the written order/Payment from your side.'
At Laboratory, this chemical will be tested on Geiger Muller machine for 24 to 48 hrs., whose values tell the qty. of rp in nanograms, type of material, radiation levels etc. and a detail report will be generated
2. Agreement, Token and Joint Custody
If your material is tested positive, then we have an agreement. All terms and conditions will be settled mutually. Govt. certified metallurgist along with settled token will visit your location to physically check the material. If the material is same then token will be handed over/transfer to you. And material will be in joint custody till the clearance of your dues.
3. Payment Methods after token
There will be two types of deal options:
1) If you want immediate or fast payment then some corporate will take this material and pay all your dues settled in agreement with time frame. These corporate will be arranged by us. 2) This material will be put on auction in international market by govt. it may take 21 to 30 days. All your dues settled in agreement will be transferred to your accounts.
FOR further queries, please send mail on sumit78k@gmail.com
Complete thread:
- Original rp avalaible near Amritsar bias -
2017-06-03, 11:25
- Original rp avalaible near Amritsar bias - infovalfinancials, 2017-06-05, 13:05