Online International Machine Avail. Physical and Manual (ADV - Financial)
Anyone looking for Online international POS machine , Physical or Manual swiping can contact. Only genuine clients direct card holder is most welcome no long chain media. We only accept Kyc work .. for online international card we also required kyc of the card holder along with authorization.
ratio will be 30% receiver and 10% remaining 60% to the card holder. And we will pay only through online we wont encourage liquid work. Work is genuine.
Who ever saying we can give that much this much in liquid , single work is not happened as of now. Try to live in reality dont waste your time and my time.
Non kyc online all cards are fake and most of the passport copies and authorization is manipulated which is listed in international crime list. If anyone any where in world wide they use those passport they will be punished under FBI orders.
So we only accept KYC work, anyone is ready with these terms , feel free to contact.
If work is regular we register that sender/Card holder in our client list for regular transaction. There is no change in ratio and mode of payment ( only account transfer ).
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