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by Adithya555, Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 10:30 AM (2535 days ago)

R.P. Technology. I can supply you My technology should not be used for business purpose. No costly or hazardous chemicals are used. Basic science knowledge is appreciated for manufacturing process. Technical drawings can be provided. Rice burn: Halogen group elements are the most rigorously reducing agents. You can use iodine (iodine tincture available in all medical stores). 1-2 drops on a glass plate, touch the rice you can see that the rice burns and turns black. Iodine absorbs hydrogen and leave r with negative oxygen ions. This is used as the outer coating on the copper material. Rice Pulling: Use an air filled balloon and rub 3-4 times on your dry head hair and bring near some rice grains. You can see that the jumps and stick from a distance. This is called electrostatic force. I use this technology following the coulombs law to embed real charge negative force on the surface of copper material to pull rice from a distance of 4 inches permanently. I have done several electrostatic experiments with aluminium, copper, lead, electrostatic paint, crystal dragging etc. I can also recommend you radioactive isotopes having beta minus radiations and same functions as iridium with half life 1 year. 1 or 2 interested genuine and output oriented person can contact me after office hrs. 08675456761.

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