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Still Finding Where RTGS Can Be Obtained (ADV - Financial)

by perfectparanth, Sunday, August 13, 2017, 14:23 (2772 days ago)

Hi All,

We are Looking for an unsecured loan or unsecured investment from a healthier Private Limited Company. (I.e) Under the reserves and surplus column of the lender company's balance sheet the figure should be not less than 200 crores. If you could find any private limited company with such potential will ease the business agreement. Trade profit will also be accepted but from a private limited with 200 crores reserves surplus in balance sheet.

And for the info,we have 16 different sector of companies Like textile, steel, Manufacturing, IT, Infra, etc..with projects as receiving company with Good Receiving capability.

For receiving RTGS From lender we the borrower is ready to give 15 + 5. 15% to the Lender and 5% to the facilitators.

would you be interested in contacting me with respect to the above business ? if so ? Kindly mail me ""

Note:1.If you are not able to understand the said business technically, Kindly ignore and don't try contacting. 2.Please don't pop up with your own concept.


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