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Cash to Cash Euros to Dirhams - Swiss to Dubai (ADV - Financial)

by Brook Sam, Monday, September 18, 2017, 18:29 (2681 days ago)

We have Euro Providers who are looking for genuine and serious Dirham(AED) Providers in Dubai for C2C currency exchange. The Euro provider will give Euro in Switzerland (any city, but Lugano, Geneva and Zurich top priority) and receive Dirham in Dubai at the same time. We need only a direct proven and serious Dirham Provider or Mandate to do this deal.The total amount for Euro they have for exchange is up to Euro 140 million!

PROCEDURE FOR THIS DEAL : ——————————————

Simple, if you have office in Lugano, Geneva or Zurich, the Euro team will do TTM with your team and subsequently in Dubai to confirm the funds and after the successful TTM the Euro provider will give Euro in Switzerland and receive Dirham from Dirham Provider in Dubai 'at the same time' he is being given  Euro. The TTM’s are meant to be face to face meetings between the two groups or their authorized representatives to know each other, to agree on the places and time of exchange and the concrete procedures for verification, counting and exchange of the fund.

Euro Mandate would wants to know Dirham Provider's verifiable contact addresses in Dubai and Switzerland first before he can reveal Euro provider’s contact office because they will not deliver cash money to a bank or exchange bureau. The transition or verification and exchange of the Euros fund will be done only in a office. If not, the idea of Neutral place preferably 4 or 5 star hotel can be arranged, security house or very safe place where both party's agreed to do the deal after TTM (Table to Table meet).

The discount for for Dirham Provider and the commission is as stated below:

A) Euro provider gives discount of 15%  to Dirham Provider+ 5% commission to all the intermediaries hence, Total = 20%   B) The minimum transaction for the second Euro Provider is 1 million euros. Thus, from 1 million euro to 1.5 million euros discount is 15% net

- From 2 million euros to 3 millions euros discount is 20% net

- From 3 million euros to 5 million euros discount is 25% net   - From 5 million euros and up million euros discount is 30% net

Including commission for 5% shares 50/50 between Euro and Dirham side.

Important Note: The 5% commission in each of the offers will be split as follow: 2.5% is closed for the Euro provider side. Then the remaining 2.5% will go to the people from Dirham Provider side.

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