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by kynadi, Thursday, September 21, 2017, 16:24 (2677 days ago)

We are hereby providing you with the process. Kindly go through the same.

1. Documentation:- It is the initial basic requirement to process your loan file.

2. Legal Process:- Screening of all the legal documents is done and all the documents are verified by CA. An upfront information of the project is also provided to the investors. If the investor consider your project then you need to deposit the processing charges.

A) Processing Fee is Charged:-

Verification from Banks, Financial institutes and also from your references is being done under this.

Processing Charges for the Project Loan : INR 20,000/- Positive Outcome: If the verification founds positive then Company will provide with the Confirmation of the loan on letter head of the Company. Which consist of borrower's loan details along with the Consultancy Charges thus needed to be deposited. Negative Outcome: If the verification report founds negative, then the Processing Fees Charged by the Company is refunded back.

B) Consultancy Fee is Charged:- Agreement is made between the Company and the borrower.

3. Funding:- Meeting is arranged with the investors and funding is done as per the written agreement.

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