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MOR PANKH (MP (मोर पंख - Feather))

by dhanraj.dhankar, Friday, November 03, 2017, 17:39 (2634 days ago)
edited by dhanraj.dhankar, Friday, November 03, 2017, 17:42

Mr. Nilesh Patel

You are sending the details of various articles available at frequent time intervals. But you are not replying when the interest is shown by the BUYERS.

Can you tell me WHY ?

You don't even bother to contact the person who replies you back.

What do you think writing an Engineer lable after your name will be an honorable ?

You are not only mistaken , but even misguided. This is a field of SUPER ANTIQUES and many ENGINEERS Like you have disappeared.

You never called up even after the number is given. So it is better that either you act PRACTICAL or forget this field.


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