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Drp Maker Available (General)

by goldcif, Mumbai, Sunday, December 17, 2017, 05:34 (2589 days ago) @ rahane4400

you are a liar you asked us to pay 6,000 we deposited in your given nagpur icici bank account 5,000 you told us you will come to puna and start the work and collect the 1,000 and you collected the amount and switched off and changed the sim card is it not a fraud you are an habitual affender who lives on cheating people. now you are projecting yourself as a true gentle man who skipped the work for not aying 1,000 rs out of 6,000 after collecting 5,000 in your bank account are you not ashamed of your living and eating cheated money you are a real s..... o.....b

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