[FREE MONEY] Opportunity to win 10000$ Bitcoin /$ or moro (General)
hi all
Now I will tell you what the opportunity is
Just signup , share and bring people
First register on this site
xin coin
what is mixin?
It is a new coin like the bitcoin from Japan
Offers you 15 mix when you sign up
If you share your link you get moro
level 1 : 10 mix level 2 : 8 mix level 3 : 6 mix level 4 : 5 mix level 5 : 4 mix level 6 : 3 mix
1000 mix = 1xin = 220$ at this time
if u have 100 Of people in the first level = 1000 mix = 1xin = 220$ if u have more ??? For example 10,000 in the first level = 10000 mix = 10 xin = 2200$ wow Do not forget the other levels
Offer ends 25 dec Markets XIN https://big.one/trade/XIN-EOS
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