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Free Rice puller business (General)

by surendran, Tuesday, January 09, 2018, 09:01 (2567 days ago)

In India only 4 DRDO certified companies. They never do without fee.In India any Rp buying  company never show a single document before paying fee ,if it is original company. When you pay fee they will bring  you Bank and opened safe custody and show the documents.  In Rp field no original  company doing work without fee.If they done that means it is fraud. Rice puller companies never compare to other company functions. It is entirely different functions. But 99% of have no idea about the truth.That is why in India after 2004 a single sales is not happene expect Thomas Olive corporation .In India after 1982 only 28 business is happened according to DRDO documents. You will get thousands of buyers in India.But 99% seller not able pay or afride to pay ,due to company policy. All media and company coordinates tell , last month 2 happened and I finished one business. In India business is happened only  for rich people. They are not bothered about money. 30L fee as Indian man big money. So my personal request never waste your time and money for non payment fee sellers.It will never happen. Original DRDO certified company pay high price.They will give mediators very high payment. One business more than enough to anybody. European Central Bank Licence is most important for this business. Without Ecb license, companies money not able withdrow from bank

*Only 4 DRDO Licensed company ln India* ************************************

1)INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUE POWER CENTER ( CEO : S.S Gupta )  2)D. INTERNATIONAL  ( CEO : George Kerry )  3) THOMAS & OLIVER CORPORATION. ( CEO : S.S Gupta ) 4) PRECIOUS EARTH METALS COLLECTOR  ( CEO – Rogerio Ghomes ************************************* Rajeev Menon.C.A Charterd Account from a DRDO certified company..

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