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RP business without any company fee (RP)

by dhanraj.dhankar, Thursday, January 18, 2018, 20:15 (2604 days ago) @ rajgem777

You duffer rajgem, instead of pointing out my spelling mistakes, think first why you are called illiterate fool, ?

Check out this post of yours , where in there is no grammar , no base of what you want to say and totally irrelavance to the field of SUPER ANTIQUES.


" Dear Danraj dankar

For ur kind information, its not only you have to pay the fees, these are also getting business, then why they want fee for that? Many people in this line are 99% poor who pay fee hardly & people like you mislead & cheat them "

IT is JOKER BROKERS like you only who stand aside the footpaths and dream of being millionaires ,without having any knowledge. ROAD BROKERS, like you only are spoiling this valuable business, and due to which we people who genuinely working are suffering. You are and all other ROAD BROKERS like you are NOTHING MORE THAN A PIMP for me

And PIMPS are NEVER ENTERTAINED.they are utilized ..... So it's better you remain within your brothel and enjoy your everyday commission ... Bloody scoundrel, who doesn't understand the English language even, thinks himself to be an expert.


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