Looking for Doctor Blockchain Wallet Transfer (ADV - Financial)
Only genuine parties plz.
Greeting of the day ... My client having two wallets from blockchain.info and he dont have security key/private key to transfer coins from those wallets. Looking for a doctor who can transfer entire coins from those wallets to my clients wallets .he dont have any kind of details like phone number name and email id, he only having wallet address. This is the percentage work and we wont give any kind of money before work just work and deduct your percentage of btc.
balance BTC: 1,35,000 BTC percentage : 60:30:10 ( client,doctor,media ) work : Immediate place : anywhere in the world providing : only wallet address
contact : sikanderjay14@gmail.com
Complete thread:
- Looking for Doctor Blockchain Wallet Transfer -
2018-03-02, 16:13
- Looking for Doctor Blockchain Wallet Transfer - sanjayw, 2018-03-04, 16:40