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tips for genuine ppl (General)

by niranjanfunding, Friday, March 30, 2018, 09:15 (2487 days ago)

since i see so many fraud posts and i know many ppl loosing good money take these points as guidelines and follow them strictly

1. many posts still say 35 ac 1 and 2. many donors are still being fooled. so once and for all do understand that today no trust has 35 ac 1 and 2. this section does not exist from april 2017.

2. do not do escrow booking keeping on table showing cash and all that shit. carrying cash to hotels and public places is dangerous. anyone can take ur cash and vanish. i know many ppl have lost money all india. do not show cash upfront. once rtgs is reflecting in your account show the cash. anyone asking cash upfront is a cheat.

3. do not hand over cash if u are being given DD. there are many fake DD which are being made. also DD can be bounced just like cheque. so use RTGS. its quick and safe.

4. niti aayog. many frauds are asking niti ayog as if it is some kind of proof. niti aayog registration is ONLY required if you are taking sarkari grants. thats all. it is not required if you are taking private donations. so anyone asking this does not have a donor.

5. always be very careful before giving documents on mail or person. do not give photocopies of your sensitive documents. they can be misused. just show documents and take them back.

6. last and most important. many frauds are claiming money is lying with RBI. RBI does not have any role in such transactions. this is a false statement.

be careful be safe. if u want to do genuine work call me

wish you a great season

Niranjan 9766640000

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