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1616 Lebbo Coin (Lebbo)

by dhanraj.dhankar, Friday, April 13, 2018, 12:38 (2520 days ago) @ daboo009

Mr. Dabboo

Your name exactly resembles your personality . You are a real DABBOO .

Non functional does not mean that it is original . This COIN is fabricated and a REPLICA of the original COIN. If you don't have knowledge over the LEBBO coins than do not ammept the FAKE . First try to gather some knowledge over the article and than post something. People working this field are not fools ,that they will fall prey to your such foolish posts. I am smart, as you said , is a compliment for me and I know I am smart and knowleagable.

So from next time onwards take precautions that there are smart people too in this Forum who are reading the posts. They may expose your FRAUDS.

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