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Beware (General)

by Fundsgiving, Monday, April 16, 2018, 15:38 (2517 days ago)
edited by Fundsgiving, Monday, April 16, 2018, 15:40

No work is happening on so called parchi anywhere in india, so don't get fooled by it.

Names have been changed, mostly took over by new people as new government is there, I hope everyone gets it.

Rest your money and time.

No company is doing any work which is more than 10 cr for the first time, If trust taking RRTGS more than 10 are coming into eyes of government agencies, even company are now willing to work on 5 cr as well.

Only CSR fund is a legal fund rest are not.

Don't loose your money in doing esscrow and booking amount.

Prove us wrong we will be happy.

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