Niddle thrower (an article where the lighting striked) (General)
On 2Apr a massive lighting striked on the dome of the durga mandir and broke the whole mandir Top. The copper and iron material, kept with me. On testing, found repellent to Niddle. Anyone interested can contact me. The article throw niddle 2-3'
My contact details What's app ..7018202217 Himachal
Complete thread:
- Niddle thrower (an article where the lighting striked) -
2018-04-23, 09:50
- Niddle thrower (an article where the lighting striked) -
2018-04-23, 12:32
- Niddle thrower (an article where the lighting striked) - 123@AP, 2018-04-23, 20:08
- Niddle thrower (an article where the lighting striked) -
2018-04-23, 12:32