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Important for all genuine trust- ngo and donor's (ADV - Financial)

by Fundsgiving, Tuesday, May 22, 2018, 11:26 (2430 days ago)

Whoever think its not for real confirm with The Ministry of Finance and RBI that trust and company work that is called trade fund will only happened till next elections can say until march 2019.

Now lets come to CSR fund which is legal fund, only 10-15% of total companies of CSR got permission to give fund as donation to trust or ngo till yet, which doesn't take liquid, they give for real to the trust which are doing work in real for social welfare. Our company which give CSR donation and take liquid also not got premission till yet so if anyone says he is having donor company which is giving trade or csr fund, do check everything before working on it snd if anyone ask for booking amount that person is fraud 101% for sure. If anyone exchange cheque's rather than taking money is 101% for real and genuine.

We are not against any donor person as we also know like fake donor people are there so fake trust and ngo people are also there. But whoever is real will work without booking amount and esscrow. Donor money is in the bank so no one can take by anyhow so no risk is there, risk is after doing work and taking liquid, only genuine and real donor will share details and at last all depends when both parties sit in the office which is a registered one of trust or donor and exchange documents there than on WhatsApp or email than meeting in hotel which is waste of time.

Real and genuine ones will only meet in office as they are not fake so not scared, now people says there are CCTV so meeting and talking in any office is no problem for anyone nor any issues.

Real donor's contact us do real work and fake one's better think twice posting anything as we will expose you :D

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