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by howtts, Monday, June 11, 2018, 09:37 (2439 days ago)

For quite a long time here, I have been seeing lot of fraudulent loan offers that targets those in desperate need of money. Well... don't they even realize this kind of bullshit offers would ultimately land in nothing. Still, that nuts keep bowling the same ball here. Fine! for the rest of the members who're possibly in desperate need of money or debt ridden/jobless, I would share few facts you are unaware (or ignored even if you're aware). No Finance/Lending/Banking institutions, be it public or private, domestic or International would offer credit/loan/fund to any individual/organization without minimum due diligence (On site/Physical verification of borrower's Identity at least). Because money is a toughest crop to reap out. Even if it seems to be available for free or without so called norms, it would have never been that easy go and pick the fruit. There would be a hidden catch ahead. Simply put, loan offer either online/offline would be available on Secured/Unsecured basis. For secured you must have pledge your valuables for securing the loan which also needs to be approved by the funding party. For unsecured, the loan would be available for salaried/self-emplyoed persons which also determined by certain criteria like Cibil, Salary, Tax compliance or Turnover in case of self-employed. And the available amount too would be minimum, possibly below Rs.1 Lakh. So, never fall prey to such fraudulent! At least you would not lose the little amount you have in your pocket.

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