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hyd RP sellers deal ur Rp with company without any fee (RP)

by arun15, Thursday, July 12, 2018, 08:18 (2430 days ago)

hello sellers from Hyderabad i have a National representative company called ICI which is basically German company and it has been hired or tied up with MINISTRY OF DEFENSE (GOVT OF INDIA)and it will be a purely legal business and they only need a extremely easy and simplified and procedural TV TEST

Note:people say Govt of India will not pay much which is purely rumour...... they are the only one who give an assurance of RBI Clearance and total amount will be transferred in just 30/31 days as it has to follow all the legal and systematic procedures and signatures of the higher authorities of Govt Of India.

Interested people can send me ur number,article details with location and videos to my mail id

Thank you

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