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Twice 2X your money in 5 days, 2nd proof Attached (General)

by Growmoney, Wednesday, October 03, 2018, 06:08 (2294 days ago)
edited by Growmoney, Wednesday, October 03, 2018, 06:10

Dear all, We all find many ways to double our money in shortest duration. There are several parameters, one of them is (Trading) which is not easy alone - ninety five percent of retail traders lose money. Lack of expereince is a major reason. However, filtering through countless data that's available can confuse even a confident trader. We have the expertise - and experience - to filter through the noise. Here is a result shown in front of all of you. We uploaded 2nd screenshot of our trades in which we invested 50$ in every single trade and made profit of 40$. We invested total of 450$ At one time and made profit of 360$ From (450$ invested)in a single minute. We know trading consists of high risk factor, but our expertise trades only when market opportunity has a greater than 80% change of occurring. **We accept min. Of Rs. 10,000 of Investment and Returns Rs. 18,000 in five days, max. Of Rs. 3,50,000 and Returns Rs. 6,30,000 **Now, You must be wondering if we can make huge profit in a single minute , then why do we take 5 days to return your principle and earned profit? That’s because we all use the International Trading platform, which takes 5 days to make payment into bank or other e-wallet accounts. I hope this post is able to answer many of your questions, if still there are any questions then please reply to this post or you can also send me direct email at Have a great day. I

** Note: If you are not able to check the full view of screenshot in your mobiles , please try to turn on the auto-rotate screen mode, then you can see full view of the screenshot. Thank you


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