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Rp Buyers in Hyderabad Dirctly and Without fee /with fee (RP)

by Rahul sha, Saturday, October 27, 2018, 08:59 (2272 days ago) @ arun15


The so called Rice Puller or RP or Copper Iridium dealers or conmans will approach you either saying that they have a party who can buy or saying that they have a party which is willing to sell. Either ways the target is to take away you money. You will be told that the selling person is in great need of money and is willing to sell his valuable RP worth 100s of crore or maybe 1000s of crore for like say 10cr or maybe even 1 cr. Next is that we can pay a token money of say 10lakh or maybe 1 lakh and then take a sample for texting it in a Lab somewhere in America or Eurpore (means a place where you cannot crosscheck). Now a person who believes them and pays money as token and then again for testing this shit, will later either be calling a mobile number which no will ever pick or simply get a report which says the sample did not work and the quest for 1000cr RP thing continues for people who have less brains and more money.

The beauty of these frauds is that there is no such agency or government machinery which can get hold of these scam artists as they are spread over many states and cities and hence this scam has run into millions in the last decade.

Not only ordinary people but well educated people fall for it, recently a Minister of one State lost 4 cr in a similar manner. God knows how many did not report such frauds out of same. IS IT TRUE ?


Well living on MARS and breathing hydrogen can be true but not this.

In the first place such a metal or element does not exist scientifically. But even if i assume like a dumb ass that it does and we missed it. Just think of it we Indians bargain with an rickshaw walla for 10Rs, we bargain with a raddi walla for 5Rs more per kg or newspaper price and what do you think someone is willing to sell you a thing worth 100/1000cr for 1cr or 10cr. And is this business is paying back so good like 1 ka 100/1000, why don’t these people who are acting as conduits do it themselves.

And mostly these people who approach you will say,”we are experts and we have been doing this for so many years” and yet i bet they will be coming on a motorbike or an Indica or old Maruti 800 with shabby cloths and shoes. Well you should ask them “bhaisaab …so many years ….. 1000 of crores and you are still in misery ??” kya baat ??

The truth is there is no return in this so called business, its just giving away and getting back a new excuse every time.

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