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Functional Article_18 Jan 2019_ Hyderabad (RP)

by arun15, Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 11:53 (2182 days ago) @ SJ Hyd

1)ok fine i apologize for the time mentioned by me. but still its been almost a month( 2 days left).

2) when i spoke to you on call you didnt allowed me at all to explain my process of bringing the company for free as you were just saying your side of work procedure and asking us/company to work accordingly.

3)regarding the invitation i did invited you to have a meeting with metallurgist and company official on the phone itselfi am sure you have missed it but i remember sir and i made you to speak with the metallurgist too on the same day on conference call very next after few min we had our first phone conversation and he also invited you to come and meet them directly

4) i have called you only on this NON PAYMENT CLAUSE and for bring the company for free you have to follow the loophole procedures sir not with few error conditions by seller.

5)sir its not their person who has expired it was relative who passed away and i apologized on that day as you called me many times that`s and since the day one we had been speaking to each other i was saying and even in com call metallurgist said the said that we dont ask you to pay to any one nor we suggest you to pay any sort of money to any one as you have chosen no fee payment process more over you are from Hyderabad and article are also near by to Hyderabad too.

6) IN this forum you came up with 45/18 which was in hyderabad as you have mentioned in your previous post and i did responded on that article and yes you have mentioned ab 60/21 too along with 4 more articles which are under you .

again i would like to suggest and invite you to please have a meeting with the authorized personal along with the metallurgist so that we can get a better clarity and conclusion ab the deal and articles

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