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my reccomentation (NM)

by RN GAUR @, New Delhi, Monday, November 01, 2010, 17:47 (5257 days ago) @ B.H. Rao

Dear Sir, With due respectfully I wanna know the answers of my few questions: 1. In how many colors do we found the naagmani. 2. Is naagmani has many sizes. 3. What is the use of naagmani for human being. 4. What is the color of its light. 5. How many far spread the light. 6. For how much time remains the light or days or allways. 7. If the light shut down can it come again. 8. Is it have life or its a stone or a metal will it dead. 9. Do it retain bubbles in the water and for how much time.

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