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my reccomentation (NM)

by BlackBird, Tuesday, November 02, 2010, 00:07 (5257 days ago) @ RN GAUR

Mr.gaur Hope u doing good buddy C nm comes in only one size Its normally soft as a jelly And is as big as a wheat grain The light is there till the time The place where u seeing it Is quite If there is any kinda noise The light will come back Its a living object I feel the water test should be taken By the professional and should nt be taken By amatures like u and me It distance of the light depends On the material And comes in various different colours I have seen a lota different colours Like red Maroon Orange Ice blue And white In order to execute a deal u need a final checker and It also requires clear intentions The moment u get greedy for money Then the light will go of And will start giving the test once the party leaves



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