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Welcome to GRC vert-farm (ADV - Agriculture)

by GRCHOWDARY, Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 22:05 (2109 days ago)

Hi everyone, welcome to my world.

Until now what you are, leave that.

I am establishing a new type of business.

That is so vary from regular business.

The world should be facing food

scarcity in the nearest decades.

So ,we have to prepare from now on wards.

I'm establishing vertical farming

business pls join with me.

Vertical farming means,very simple.In

regular farms cultivation needs soil

,water ,sun energy,and nutrients like

fertilisers,pesticides etc. But in

our procedure we can cultivate crops

on the multiple levels in multi

storied apartments.

Actually,w e should not build

concrete structures.we have to errect

Iron structures UpTo 30 floors with

10 ft height total 300 fts heights of


In regular system of cultivation we

are wasting very huge quantity of

natural resources like water ,soil ,

Lighting,fertilizers,pesticides etc.

But in our system,we spend only 5%

Of resources we can cultivate

them.with extraordinary quantity and

Quality.we should not use any type of

Pesticides or fertilizers etc.

Each Acre will expensive roughly


I had required project funding total

amount $ 5 billion dollars USD.or

Equivalent amount in Indian rupees


Anyone can invest from $ 200/-

dollars USD

to $ 2,00,000/-USD.

I can allot to the amount as shares

to every investor .

Or 30% of profit can allot to the

investors along with the

investment.,as E.M.I should be


If you know about the vertical

farming ,pls search online.i m very

clear about this.

All my dear visitors,pls go through

my proposal and respond positively.

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