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People wanna earn millions of money but don't have one rupee (General)

by Shetty rahul, Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 14:28 (2151 days ago)

Hi dear friends I had seen and met many people. I got a experience that in our rice puller group people just have big big dialogues. One and other stories. People dream of millions but don't have guts to take risk of 1000 rupees. The people who dreams they always dream they can't achieve goal. In our forum people just become judge on a call and give judgment on call by just talking or else give bad words and make that guy in blacklist. If they dislike the other guy they will just post against them and they will show that this person is fraud. Shame on this kind of shameless people. Media is having a big role in creating problems. Media is a owner of both the seller and buyer without having 1 rupees In pocket.

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