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seller of Copper Iridium (General)

by Avinash ⌂ @, india c g, Saturday, April 12, 2008, 23:45 (6189 days ago) @ Ellekenfonvy Metalsque - GVS

tell me more about this coin ,because i have one of them my grand father gives me that coin its pull rice and make it dust in 10-15 mnt. what is the of it & if i want to sell it what some of money i will get i have heared that , a company like urs buy this coins and give good some of money ,it is true tell me or this is nothing more then peaice of copper. And if it is true then tell me what is the more ways to check it, i have a half anna of 1818 in which a loard hanuman is printed , contact me in and i know about under ground meatel which also pull rice kilos of rice and make it dust mint. PLEASE TELL ME THE PRICE IF IT WILL BE SOLD THANK YOU

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