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Attention Forum - For welfare of people (General)

by Sita, India, Thursday, November 04, 2010, 12:15 (5057 days ago)

None of the deals you are talking about would be materialized because of their legal tender. Who is the buyer and who is the owner of your articles? Ever you see the real use/benefit of your items in your entire life? Anybody can openly (in front of public & media) prove about the things, their functions, mainly their market value? All of you are in focus of law & order. Some of the intellectual frauds and gurus / middlemen talking about deals / buyers/ owners of the items definitely would caught oneday. Because of the cheating you are making online to earn easy-money. If you have things, talk about their real use / real market value and can auction publicly. As per Govt.Laws, you can deal anything which is not cover under Govt. of India's property and which are not harmful things to public & public health... which are not come under anti-social activities, which are your own articals having possessing certifications stating you are the owner of them legally. Curiosity is good.. but it sholdn't become stupidity to spoil one's life. According to words of some fraud people here in this forum.... "if anybody ask for proof of their article and evidence, they treat you as fraud and ignorant" because, these people living on someone's money saying they are the supeior checkers/testers and middlemen having buyers and or midiator for articles people talking about. See, anyhow, there are "some fee/Money transations" occur in the whole process.. that is what all these discussions. Still, no deal of your people's materialize in whole your life except people loosing their money to someone (Guru's/checkers/to companies as fee)... Anybody can condemn this?

Please beware of existing and non-existing things. Legal and illegal bussiness. Stupid Tests & Scientific Tests. Market Value and Imaginary value. Real demand & Virtual demand.

Finally beware of law and order. Don't end your lives in prison for no reason. When you receive a call from 100 people, 90% calls are from media and police. You are being screened and no intellectual frauds who don't reveal their identify also would be caught oneday at any point.

For the welfare of forum..... Sita

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