Buyer ready (General)
Hi I am a reseller of black termic and dp and sulamani and lemon and RP I have funder and company and company authorised tester with jacket for RP
I buy and sell them in a higher price To my dirict funders
I am looking for black termic in and around Bangalore
Dp in Bangalore
Sulamani in Bangalore
Lemon in and around Bangalore
RP I have a authorised tester with company id and radiation testing suite RP testing suite
I have a funder as well as company to sell any size of RP
I am doing funding for the trust for RTGS donation also
I am the main coridonator between company and trust for donations in India
If u have deal will be finished max to max two days
One day for testing and arranging fund riqired
Second day settlement
Call me if u have meterial with u
Pls don't waste my time or u r time
I want to make extra cash
For more details Call me 8861045377 Shiva from FENEX ENTERPRISES Bangalore
Complete thread:
- Buyer ready -
2019-05-22, 02:56
- Buyer ready - [email protected], 2019-05-22, 10:54