Need Investor in Tamilnadu (General)
We need investor of 12Lakhs in Tamilnadu, Initial amount is 4Lakhs, can invest further ongoing work.
Very good Returns like 10 times, return starts in a week.
Need investment for C2C, RTGS, etc.. works. You will be partner if business makes profit, you will have your share, if business fails you will be treated as Creditor and your investment will be return with interest. We give cheques, signature in 100rs stamp paper & etc.. for your investment.
Can meet you personally and explain our projects, you invest only if you interested.
Please whatsapp or call = +91 6380210005
Regards, MrSure
Complete thread:
- Need Investor in Tamilnadu -
2019-06-19, 18:56
- Need Investor in Tamilnadu - mrsure, 2019-06-23, 01:58