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DTC Receiver available - (ADV - Financial)

by Bangalore, Saturday, June 29, 2019, 05:42 PM (1821 days ago) @ Bangalore

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1. The Sender has to send contract for the Receiver including Full Screenshot. 2. Receiver signs back contract within 24 hours 3. Receiver checks the screenshot sent from the Sender. If the screenshot is workable for the Receiver, the Sender is required to renew the screenshot just for the most updated time putting receiver as beneficiary and give it this updated screen shot and swift 799 confirmation to receiver without final codes. 4. Once the Sender is ready, the Receiver will issue a Payment Guarantee Letter that must be signed by the RECEIVER in PERSON in front of a Commissioner of Oath. This to attest his authenticity of the witness signature and his real will to pay as indicated in this agreement. The original signed PGL will need to be send to Party A .This PGL will be part of the original contract which will be signed by both parties, including the company seal. A copy of the contract and PGL will be send to the sender, receiver and advisors or mutual reference. Once the Sender has received the PGL and the original signed and sealed contract from the receiver, the sender at that time will provide final codes to allow receiver to finish and to download the funds and complete successfully the distribution as agreed and described. 5. The Receiver will Locate the fund. If the agreed amount of fund is able to be located by the Receiver, the Receiver will book the que for Download the fund and prepare to Advance withdrawal of the fund. *Locate Fund is a way for checking whether there is fund available before the Receiver do the real download of the agreed fund. In details: 1.​Sender and Receiver execute, sign and seal this agreement for the distribution of funds between the participants of the investment project, which thereby automatically becomes a full commercial recourse contract. The receiver provides its CIS, including a valid license, for working with server funds. This service is for bank customers who require confidentiality and there is no telegraphic transfer or swift transfer neither by phone or bank mail being an off balance funds deal. 2.​Receiver is obligated to provide the Sender with necessary details (account, beneficiary codes, id code etc) for the funds to be uploaded by the Sender's bank officer via DTC selected from receiver method transmission ways to the Receiver’s account for direct credit. 3.​Upon the successful transfer of above said funds to the Receiver’s account via DTC SERVER, Sender provides the receiver with a secure copy of the transfer’s slip (or screenshot) via DTC SERVER with the details of the transfer (account, beneficiary, amount, IP code, transaction code etc) without final codes. 4.​Receiver is obligated to provide the sender with a copy of the folder’s screenshot with received funds inside as a proof of having successfully received funds. 5.​The Sender provides final codes for download funds via DTC from the Server’s bank to the account of the Receiver after these mentioned operative steps and after sender receives from receiver a PGL ( Payment Guarantee Letter) or a BPU (Bank Payment Undertaking) plus contract signed and sealed in original from payer receiver too. 6.​Upon receiving of the transfers’ slip and final codes via DTC Server the fiduciary Receiver will transfer 40% (Forty percent) back to the sender , and will transfer 20% (Twenty percent) to the advisory group , of the face value amount of this agreement to the accounts of the participants of the investment project in accordance to the terms and conditions of the Annex C. 7.​All other tranches will be made in accordance with the above mentioned procedure. Please note: there is no provider’s bank officer investments at any stages of the download. No phone or mail but only by screen verification at all. The only possibility is to verify after the download finished and the receiver account is credited. Please make sure that receiver’s bank officer will not be provided by any authorization or contact with provider's bank officer.

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