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Construction company need investor in Gujarat (General)

by gopesh109, Gujarat, Friday, September 20, 2019, 17:41 (1941 days ago)

Hi, let me first give introduction of myself. Myself Mr. Gopesh Patel resident of Nadiad, Gujarat(Dist - Kheda). Nadiad is a capital town of Kheda district and situated between an Ahmedabad and a Vadodara city (just 50km away from Nadiad). Both Ahmedabad and Vadodara city have an International & a Domestic airport. Now, let you tell about site location. Our site is located on main street called Pij Road in Nadiad. From our site railway station and bus station is just 2km away and NH-48 (Old NH -08) is just a 1km away.

Let me draw your attention on investment of this project.

To aquire land - 5 Cr. (Total land 39 Guntha * 13 lack per guntha approx) Government exp - 50 Lack (Including sale deed cost, NA permission etc...) Building Cost - 6 Cr. (Total 25bunglow to be build Including internal road, landscaping) Misc. Exp - 75 Lack (Including marketing, Staff expences) --------------------------- Total project cost - 12.05 Cr. Project Duration - 2yrs.

Total Income from this project One bunglow we can easily sale at 65 to 70 lakhs means we can generate 16.25 to 17.50 Cr. Now, we seeking from you 5-6 Cr. as a investment or loan. You tell me your proposal or if you wish to meet then you are most welcome. Mail me on

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