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@ karthik (Lebbo)

by Black BirÐ, Monday, November 15, 2010, 06:47 (5246 days ago) @ Human

Haha karthik Why are u wasting Others time buy giving them A fake item Haha 1st time in the Span of 10 yrs in this Business I heard that A lebo test gives Eagle test However its nt giving the main Test... In this business Its nt sometime Its always it is Or its not... You're one Proposal can make people Run from pillar to post There are ppl who have No knowledge and no money They mite think its something New and they will run behind it And cocks like u sell fake stuff Sala how did u get this greek Lebo... Ppl have nt executed A deal of an indian lebo U want to sell a lebo from greece That to with eagle test... Then There might be some guy who Might get a russian lebo U cock.. Get you're act straight And stop fooling ppl Ppl like u are sadist b*****ds Haha eagle test lebo from greece Do u even know the history behind A lebo... Haha lebo from greece


Black BirÐ

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