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Urgent work rtgs against liquid any 100cr trust contact me (General)

by avinasrreedh777, Saturday, December 28, 2019, 11:17 (1896 days ago)

Urgent work


I have a direct donor company, if a direct trust or direct person of the trust, sometimes contacts




WORK PROCESS -》 First of all, both the parties mean that the NGO and DONOR COMPANY will have to keep 10 lakh to 20 lakh cash, after that their company and NGO will have to show the correct KYC, then the KYC will be checked. If you do not take LIQUID's room on time, then you will have to pay a penalty of 1.5% and if you take us to LIQUID's room, then the people of the company will start the Q&Q process to complete LIQUID's Q&Q. B The people of the company will RTGS you. If the people of the company are unable to do RTGS then the people of the company will have to pay a penalty the owner of LIQUID by 1.5%. If the company is successful in giving the RTGS to the NGO then you check your NGO's bank account thoroughly. After that, MEDIA will give COMISON and NGO will be given DONATION LATTER after that Company will take LIQUID and work will be successful.

Contact me 》 8103734329

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