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dont pay any fees read carefully (General)

by Black BirÐ, Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 23:48 (5237 days ago) @ read carefully

Bro I dont have anything personal Wid u ask I feel that you're new in this business If a person has the material who is a villager He dosent know the value of all these thing He sells it for lakhs Ok there are mediators I guess u dont know Bout them who ask thousands of cr per inch Boss if these guys are asking for such a huge Amt they have to arrange for a financer The company aslo used to arrange for a financer So now its the mediators turn to go Out of the way and do what the company did Earlier I.e risk his money He has brains... And can use and optimise them No one is dumb Bro give up U can't argue with me on all these Things coz I have gone through all these things U might be one of thoses who might have never Seen genuine material I saw I payed but the mediators from the sellers Side screwed it all up for a small amt of money Learn what's happning then comment Look @ all my post then you'll understand I have knowledge thts y I am posting and Arguing wid u others are just reading


Black BirÐ

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