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by Black BirÐ, Friday, November 26, 2010, 22:54 (5158 days ago) @ adam

Hi adam Well I guess u have a misconception Bro the thing which we are talking bout Is copperiridum its not copper or iriduim Separately.. If they are separate they are Worthless.. Bro what happenes is when Copper is struck by lightening then there is A chemical reaction and it starts giving these functions There is something to with the neutrons and protons they pull rice as its has starch No one can mix to metals and make it U can but u won't get the functions bro And its used for by the space agency which Later is fitted in a rocket which can Travel very fast @ lightening speed and leave The stratosphere and stabilise the speed aswell Bro its also used in STEALTH a fighter which the Us air force possesses as it cannot be Traced by any radar... Bro Ill explain it to u in depth once I am ok I am recuperating how got an asthma attack So kindly bear wid me till then Pretty worked out bro


Black BirÐ

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