Liquid required for trade profit fund donor (General)
Your wait for genuine donor is over. We have a genuine donor available in Delhi for liquid work. Form 10h is prerequisite & it will be provided for all transactions by donor company.
We are willing to work with NGO or receiver company on liquid basis.
No booking is required for Delhi although we charge fee for outside Delhi work.
We work on minimum 12rs liquid and maximum no limit. We offered good ratio to genuine receiver.
Contact us immediately if you or your client & funder is ready to work on liquid. We have several good working options are available.
P.S. We also give statement pullout through a donor company signatory against fee or commitment.
Complete thread:
- Liquid required for trade profit fund donor -
2020-10-04, 21:45
- Liquid required for trade profit fund donor - Sanjeev Hooda, 2020-10-05, 05:47
- Liquid required for trade profit fund donor - Mush565, 2020-10-05, 21:09
- Liquid required for trade profit fund donor - Nataraj, 2020-10-07, 10:58
- Liquid required for trade profit fund donor - poyineri, 2020-10-09, 16:07
- Liquid required for trade profit fund donor - poyineri, 2020-10-14, 11:35