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ram velgapudi is a fraud (General)

by Ram Velagapudi @, Hyderabad, Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 21:45 (5781 days ago) @ sony from mumbai

This is Ram Velagapudi, Hyderabad. I never dealt with this guy, Soni or anybody. 20 persons contacted me expressing interest in buying for their principals. I didnt quote any price but asked them to make offers after checking wiht their principals. I am finalising the list of offers received. I dont ask for money in advance, but to show ID and auhtorisation of buyer company. Then only I will deal with the person making th eoffer. So where is this fraud coming from!!

I advise everybody NOT to come to Hyderabad WIHTOUT clearing with me, as I don't want anybody to spend time / money unnecessarily. This being so, this guy says I am fraud!

Mr. Soni, you are a nut case sir. What is the basis of your vitriol? why me? I am surprised educated idiots like you should know there is a law whihc punished libel.

Hope you will get to your senses.

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